Friday, July 24, 2009

Jacobism #1: The 3 year old Know-It-All

Circa 2003
Ages: Jacob: 3 Caleb: 5
Setting: Riding down the road in the truck
Mood: Unsuspecting

Caleb: "Mom, why didn't you name me Power Ranger?!?"

Mom: "Well, Caleb...I really liked the name Caleb and I hadn't actually thought of the name Power Ranger...I'm sorry."

Caleb: (obviously very upset with me) "Well, I really wanted to be named Power Ranger!! I'm going to change my name!!...??" I really didn't know what to say...

JACOBISM: (very matter-o-factly)
"'s not a good idea to change your name...(pause)...I changed my name to "Jacob Donut Eater" one time and then I decided that I liked "Jacob" better and had to change it back. You really should just keep your name Caleb"

Mom: (inside voice)... *Did that really just happen?*

We had experienced our first Jacobism. At the tender age of just 3 years old, I realized...this kid has wit! And one of Jacob's several nicknames now is "Jacob donut eater".

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